Dr. Alper KABACA

Dr. Alper Kabaca completed his undergraduate program in Biology Teaching at Selçuk University Meram Faculty of Education in 2009. He began his career as a research assistant in the Biology Teaching Department at Balıkesir University Necatibey Faculty of Education in 2010. He completed his master’s degree in Biology Education at Balıkesir University Institute of Science in 2013, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Sami Özgür, with a thesis titled “School teacher candidates’ attitudes towards the constructivist approach, towards biology lessons and achievement in some biology subjects.”

In the same year, he commenced his Ph.D. studies in the Department of Biology at Balıkesir University Institute of Science. He completed his doctoral studies in 2020 with a dissertation entitled “Determination of the harpacticoid copepod (Crustacea, Copepoda, Harpacticoida) fauna inhabiting interstitial and phytal habitats in the mediolittoral zone of Biga peninsula (Çanakkale) coasts,” supervised by Prof. Dr. Serdar Sak.

Dr. Kabaca currently serves as a research assistant in the Department of Biology Teaching at Balıkesir University Necatibey Faculty of Education and continues his research on the harpacticoid fauna and systematics.