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This section is dedicated to showcasing the contributions to the field of Copepoda research within Türkiye. Here, we present a curated collection of publications that are directly associated with the specimens cataloged in the Turkish Copepoda Research Collection (TCRC) and the CUMAPCOP collection.
The TCRC primarily focuses on free-living copepods, with a significant emphasis on marine harpacticoids. Meanwhile, the CUMAPCOP collection is dedicated to parasitic copepods. It’s important to note that the publications listed here do not encompass all Copepod research conducted in Türkiye; instead, they focus on the work related to the specimens within these collections.
Each publication entry in our collection offers a detailed citation, ensuring that researchers and enthusiasts can easily reference the work. More than just a citation, each entry provides a comprehensive overview of the Copepod species studied in the publication. This includes, but is not limited to, new records, original descriptions, redescriptions, and any taxonomic or faunistic analyses undertaken. Our aim is to offer a clear and detailed insight into the specific contributions each publication has made to the understanding and documentation of Copepod diversity in Türkiye.
We believe that the Turkish Copepoda Research Collection and the CUMAPCOP collection will be vital resources for researchers in the fields of taxonomy and faunistics. By cataloging specimens and linking them to their respective publications, these collections serve as a bridge between fieldwork and academic study. They enable scientists and scholars to trace the research history of specific species, understand their distribution, and appreciate the depth of taxonomic work carried out in Türkiye.
Thank you for visiting our Publications section. We hope it serves as a valuable resource for your research and interests in the field of Copepoda.
Karaytuğ, S. & Huys, R., Taxonomic position of and generic distinction between Parepactophanes Kunz, 1935 and Taurocletodes Kunz, 1975 (Copepoda, Canthocamptidae incertae sedis), with description of a new species from the Black Sea, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 140, 4, 469-486, (2004).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: Both sexes of a new species of Taurocletodes Kunz, 1975 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Canthocamptidae incertae sedis) are described from sandy beaches along the Black Sea coast of Turkey. The genus Taurocletodes is removed from its synonymy with Parepactophanes Kunz, 1935 and re-instated as a valid genus, accommodating the type species T. dubius (Noodt, 1958) comb. nov. and T. tumenae sp. nov. Both genera can be differentiated by major differences in the segmentation of P1–P3 endopods, the absence/presence of penicillate setae on P1 endopod, the number of outer spines on P2–P4 exp-3, the armature of P2–P4 endopods and the sexual dimorphism of P2 endopod and P3 exopod. T. tumenae sp. nov. and T. dubius are morphologically very similar, differing in morphometric characters related to the endopodal segmentation of P1 and P4, and armature of the male P5. The controversial taxonomic status of Parepactophanes and Taurocletodes within the family Canthocamptidae is discussed.
Huys, R., Karaytuğ, S. & Cottarelli, V., On the synonymy of Delamarella Chappuis and Latiremus Božić (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Latiremidae), including the description of D. obscura sp. nov. from the Black Sea, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 145, 3, 263-281, (2005).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: A new species of Delamarella Chappuis, 1954 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Latiremidae), D. obscura sp. nov., is described from sandy beaches along the western Black Sea coast of Turkey, using both light and scanning electron microscopy. Additional morphological observations of the closely related D. galateae Cottarelli, 1971 are presented, based on topotype material from Sardinia and newly collected specimens from mainland Italy. Previous records of D. karamani Petkovski, 1957 from the Bulgarian Black Sea coast are based on misidentifications and should be attributed to D. obscura sp. nov. All three species are morphologically similar, and criteria based on meristic and ornamentation characters are provided to distinguish them. Examination of copepodid V ♂ intermoult stages provided new insights into the morphology of the highly transformed P4 exopod of the adult male and its homology with reference to the female. A reassessment of the generic distinctiveness of Delamarella and the monotypic genus Latiremus Božić, 1969 revealed that morphological criteria, traditionally employed to separate both genera, are all essentially unsound and based on erroneous reports in the literature. Consequently, Latiremus is relegated to a junior synonym of the type genus, leaving Delamarella and Arbutifera Huys & Kunz, 1988 as the only remaining valid genera in the family.
Karaytuğ, S. & Sak, S., A new record of Psammopsyllus Nicholls, 1945 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Leptopontiidae), with a description of a new species from the Black Sea, Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution, 51, 2, 135-146, (2005).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: Psammopsyllus ertunci n. sp. is described from the north coast of Turkey, representing the first record of the genus Psammopsyllus in the Black Sea. The new species is morphologically most similar to P. stri Mielke, 1983 and is differentiated from other species of the genus by a combination of the following characters in both sexes: (i) number of setae/spines on P5; (ii) shape of inner spine on P5; (iii) ornamentation of distal margin of anal operculum; and (iv) length/width ratio of P1 enp-1. Some dubious records of P. operculatus Nicholls, 1945 are reviewed and its alleged variability reported in the literature, discussed.
Karaytuğ, S. & Sak, S., A contribution to the marine harpacticoid (Crustacea, Copepoda) fauna of Turkey, Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 23, 3, (2006).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: Phytal and intersititial harpacticoids inhabiting in the coasts which situated within the border of Balıkesir province were determined in order to contribute the Turkish harpacticoid fauna. As a result, 37 species and 1 subspecies belonging to 33 genera distributed within 16 families were identified. Twenty four species and 1 subspecies were recorded for the first time from the Turkish seas. According to the species numbers, the families Diosaccidae and Ameiridae ranked first with 6 species, Paramesochridae and Laophontidae with 4 species, Ectinosomatidae and Tetragonicipitidae with 3 species, Harpacticidae and Tisbidae with 2 species, Longipediidae, Canuellidae, Thalestridae, Parastenheliidae, Metidae, Orthopsyllidae, Leptastacidae and Latiremidae with 1 species.
Sak S., Huys R. & Karaytuğ S., Disentangling the subgeneric division of Arenopontia Kunz, 1937: resurrection of Psammoleptastacus Pennak, 1942, re-examination of Neoleptastacus spinicaudatus Nicholls, 1945 and proposal of two new genera and a new generic classification (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Arenopontiidae), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 152, 3, 409-458, (2008).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: A new generic classification is proposed for the 32 valid species of the interstitial marine family Arenopontiidae (Copepoda, Harpacticoida), primarily based on new observations of type species and reliable descriptions from the literature. The subgeneric division of Arenopontia Kunz, 1937 is abolished, and both Arenopontia and Neoleptastacus Nicholls, 1945 are upgraded to full generic rank. Arenopontia is restricted to the subterranea group, comprising Arenopontia subterranea Kunz, 1937 (type), Arenopontia problematica Masry, 1970, Arenopontia nesaie Cottarelli, 1975, and Arenopontia riedli Lindgren, 1976. The doubtful status of both Arenopontia pontica Apostolov, 1969 and recent Egyptian records of A. nesaie is discussed, and the alleged cosmopolitanism of A. subterranea is reviewed. Arenopontia is characterized by the unique morphology of the P1 (prehensile endopod, armature of distal segments of exopod and endopod). The genus Psammoleptastacus Pennak, 1942 is reinstated to accommodate Psammoleptastacus arenaridus Pennak, 1942 (type), Arenopontia stygia Noodt, 1955 and Psammoleptastacus barani sp. nov. The latter is described from the Turkish Black Sea coast, and had previously been identified as A. stygia in Bulgarian waters. The species identified as A. subterranea by Rao & Ganapati in 1969 is considered species inquirenda in Psammoleptastacus. Neoleptastacus is resurrected to accommodate all arenopontiids that have an inner spinous process on the P5. The Chilean species Arenopontia clasingi Mielke, 1985, Arenopontia pacifica Mielke, 1985, and Arenopontia spicata Mielke, 1985 are transferred to Neoleptastacus. The genus Pararenopontia Bodiou & Colomines, 1986 is considered a junior synonym of Neoleptastacus, with its type species Pararenopontia breviarticulata (Mielke, 1975) being relegated to species incertae sedis in this genus. The monotypic genus Mesopontia gen. nov. is established to accommodate Arenopontia dillonbeachia Lang, 1965, which holds an intermediate position between Arenopontia and Neoleptastacus. Material from Puget Sound identified as Arenopontia spinicaudata (Nicholls, 1945) by Chappuis in 1958 is attributed to Mesopontia dillonbeachia comb. nov. Psammoleptastacus orientalis Krishnaswamy, 1957, Arenopontia intermedia Rouch, 1964, and Arenopontia peteraxi Mielke, 1982 are transferred to a new genus, Onychopontia gen. nov., together with Onychopontia nichollsi sp. nov. (type), which was discovered among type material of Neoleptastacus spinicaudatus Nicholls, 1945. Redescriptions are given for A. nesaie, P. arenaridus, N. spinicaudatus, and M. dillonbeachia. A key to the five arenopontiid genera as well as keys (or comparative tables) to the species of Arenopontia, Onychopontia, Mesopontia, and the spinicaudatus lineage of Neoleptastacus are provided
Sak, S., Karaytuğ, S. & Huys, R., A review of Pseudoleptomesochrella Lang, 1965 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Ameiridae), including a redescription of P. halophila (Noodt, 1952) from the Black Sea and a key to species, Zootaxa, 1758, 45-60, (2008).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: Both sexes of Pseudoleptomesochrella halophila (Noodt, 1952) (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Ameiridae) are redescribed in detail based on material collected from the Black Sea coast of Turkey. Careful comparison revealed that the Turkish specimens are identical with the northwestern European populations originally reported from the Isle of Sylt (Germany) and the Isles of Scilly (U.K.). Re-examination of the type material of Nitocrella halophila brevifurca Wells, 1961 confirmed its conspecificity with P. halophila. Comparison of the various descriptions indicates the genus comprises two species complexes (Atlantic and P. halophila groups) whose members exhibit only cryptic differences, and that the majority of discrepancies reported in the literature are potentially unreal. Pseudoleptomesochrella pontica Apostolov, 1969 is removed from its synonymy with P. halophila and is reinstated as species inquirenda. A dichotomous key to species of Pseudoleptomesochrella Lang, 1965 is provided.
Sak, S., Karaytuğ, S. & Huys, R., Ciplakastacus gen. nov., a primitive genus of Leptastacidae (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) from the Mediterranean coast of Turkey, Journal of Natural History, 42, 37-38, 2443-2459, (2008).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: Both sexes of Ciplakastacus mersinensis gen. et sp. nov. (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Leptastacidae) are described in detail based on intertidal material collected from the Mediterranean coast of Turkey (Mersin Province). Plesiomorphic character states displayed by the antenna and P1–P2 indicate Ciplakastacus diverged before the crown group Leptastacidae diversified. The new genus is placed in a basal clade (currently encompassing Archileptastacus and Meloriastacus) defined by eight synapomorphies: (1) caudal ramus with strongly developed seta I flanked by two elongate spinules; (2) caudal ramus with posteriorly directed spinous outgrowth of outer distal corner; (3) caudal ramus seta III vestigial; (4) P5 exopod and baseoendopod forming single plate in both sexes; (5) P2–P4 exp‐3 with one outer spine; (6) dorsal posterior margin of anal somite bilaterally serrate; (7) rostrum triangular or bell‐shaped, and (8) sexually dimorphic ornamentation on the anal somite. Within this clade Ciplakastacus appears most closely related to Meloriastacus on account of the shared presence of the extremely elongate second antennulary segment, an allobasis on the antenna, the strongly reduced accessory seta on the maxillipedal endopod, the subcylindrical sternal process between the maxillipeds and P1, and paired laterodorsal, posteriorly directed, serrate extensions on the anal somite. Both genera can be distinguished from each other by P5 morphology (both sexes), armature of P4 enp‐2 and abdominal hyaline frill structure. The phylogenetic relationships between the basal taxa of the Leptastacidae are briefly outlined.
Sönmez, S., Sak, S., Alper, A., Karaytuğ, S., A Faunistic Study on the Freshwater Copepoda (Crustacea) of Balıkesir, Journal of Applied Biological Sciences, 2 ,3, 45–49, (2008)
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: Freshwater copepods of Balıkesir Province (Turkey) were investigated by sampling 26 various freshwater bodies and a total of 12 species were identified. Megacyclops viridis, Macrocyclops albidus, Mesocyclops leuckarti, Paracyclops chiltoni, Bryocamptus (B.) minitus, B. (R.) pygmaeus and B. (B.) tarnogradskyi were recorded for the first time from Balıkesir. Bryocamptus (B.) tarnogradskyi was also a new record for the Turkish inland waters and it was partially described
Alper, A., Karaytuğ, S. & Sak, S., Interstitial and phytal harpacticoida (Crustacea: Copepoda) inhabiting the mediolittoral zone of the Datça-Bozburun Peninsulas (Muğla, Turkey), Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Arts and Science Journal of Science, 5, 16-28, (2010).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: Harpacticoid copepods inhabiting interstitial and phytal habitats in the mediolittoral zone of sandy beaches of the Datça–Bozburun Specially Protected Area were investigated. Examination of the samples revealed 49 species belonging to 41 genera in 17 families. All taxa identified were recorded for the first time from the study area. Comparison with published marine harpacticoid records from Turkey also revealed that 4 families, 15 genera and 34 species had not previously been reported from Turkish waters. In terms of species richness, the family Miraciiidae ranked first with 9 species, followed by Laophontidae with 7 species, Ectinosomatidae with 5 species, Ameiridae, Thalestridae and Tisbidae with 4 species, Paramesochridae with 3 species, Arenopontiidae, Canthocamptidae and Harpacticidae with 2 species, Cletotidae, Idyanthidae, Latiremidae, Leptastacidae, Louriniidae, Tegastidae and Parastenheliidae with 1 species.
Karaytuğ, S., Sak, S. ve Alper, A., A new species of Odaginiceps Fiers, 1995 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Tetragonicipitidae) from the Mediterranean coast of Turkey, ZooKeys, 53, (2010).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: Male and female of Odaginiceps korykosensis sp. n. (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Tetragonicipitidae), collected in the intertidal zone of Kızkalesi beach along the Mediterranean coast of Turkey (Mersin Province), are described. The new species is the fifth member of the genus and can easily be distinguished from the other species by the presence of four setae/spines on the second endopodal segment of P4 and by the structure of the caudal rami. Previously, representatives of the genus Odaginiceps have been reported from Gulf of Mexico, off Bermuda and Kenya. Odaginiceps korykosensis sp. n. is the first record of the genus in the Mediterranean Sea.
Kaymak, N. B., Karaytuğ, S. & Sak, S., Laophontidae fauna (Crustacea: Copepoda: Harpacticoida) of the Turkish Black Sea coast, Journal of Anatolian Natural Sciences, 3, 23-36, (2012).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: Laophontid copepods inhabiting interstitial and phytal habitats in the mediolittoral zone of sandy beaches of the Black Sea Coast of Turkey were investigated. 66 different localities were sampled and 8 species/subspecies were determined. These taxa are: Heterolaophonte uncinata, H. curvata, Klieonychocamptus ponticus, K. kliei adriaticus, Paralaophonte brevirostris, Laophonte setosa, L. elongata triarticulata, Asellopsis sarmatica. Among the 3 subspecies of L. elongata, only L. elongata triarticulata has the 3-segmented P1 exopod in addition to the other differentiating characteristiscs, therefore this subspecies was raised to specific rank as L. triarticulata stat. nov. All taxa identified were recorded for the first time from the study area. Comparison with published marine harpacticoid records from Turkey also revealed that 4 species had not previously been reported from Turkish coastal waters.
Sönmez, S., Sak, S. & Karaytuğ, S., Meiobenthic ectinosomatids (Crustacea: Copepoda: Harpacticoida) of the Mediterranean sea coasts of Turkey, Journal of Anatolian Natural Sciences, 3, 1-14, (2012).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: Ectinosomatid species inhabiting in interstitial habitats of Mediterranean Sea coast of Turkey were investigated. Samples were collected from a total of 89 localities from the beaches between Samandağ (Hatay) and Eşen River (Antalya). Nine ectinosomatid species (Ectinosoma soyeri, E. melaniceps, E. reductum, Halectinosoma herdmani, Microsetella norvegica, M. rosea, Hastigerella bodini, H. bozici, Arenosetella germanica) which belong to five genera were identified. Four species; Ectinosoma reductum, Halectinosoma herdmani, Microsatella rosea and Hastigerella bozici are recorded for the first time from Turkish marine waters
Köroğlu, N.Ö., Kuru, S. & Karaytuğ, S., Marine darcythompsoniids of the Turkish coasts with a description of Leptocaris emekdasi sp. nov. (Copepoda: Harpacticoida: Darcythompsoniidae) from the Aegean coast of Turkey, Marine Biodiversity, 45, 383-390, (2014).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: The marine harpacticoid fauna of Turkey is inadequately known, despite the fact that the country has a vast shoreline. An intensive study of harpacticoid copepods from the intertidal zone of Turkish coasts resulted in the discovery of Leptocaris emekdasi sp. nov., L. igneus and L. biscayensis as Turkish fauna. The female specimen of L. emekdasi sp. nov. described in this study was collected from intertidal zone of the Aegean coast of Turkey. This new species is morphologically most closely related to L. insularis, and can be distinguished from its congeners by the presence of surface protuberances on the second to fourth thoracic somites, genital double somite and anal somite; by having more robust and shorter distal spines on the antennary exopod; by the unisegmented maxillulary palp; by the bare and shorter inner seta on P1 enp-2; and by the patch of sclerotized surface areas on the anterior surface of coxae of P1-P4.
Sönmez, S., Sak, S. & Karaytuğ, S., A new species of the genus Schizopera Sars, 1905 (Copepoda: Harpacticoida: Miraciidae) from the Mediterranean coast of Turkey, Marine Biodiversity, 45, 413-418, (2014).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: In the present study, we contribute to the diversity of marine meiofauna of Turkey by describing both sexes of Schizopera karanovici sp. nov., which were collected from the intertidal zone of Alata beach, Turkey. The new species is closely related to S. lagrecai Pesce 1988, S. minuta Noodt 1955, and S. variseta Bozic, 1964, but can easily be differentiated from its congeners by the width/length ratio and setal organisation of the caudal rami and P5.
Sönmez, S., Sak, S. & Karaytuğ, S., Marine interstitial and phytal Miraciidae Dana, 1846 (Crustacea: Copepoda: Harpacticoida) inhabiting along the mediolittoral zone of Turkish coasts, Journal of Anatolian Natural Sciences, 5, 52-87, (2014).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: Phytal and interstitial miraciids inhabiting along the Turkish coasts were determined based on the previous collections as well as the newly collected materials, in order to determine the distribution and species diversity of the family. For this purpose miraciid samples collected from a total of 265 stations along the beaches of Black Sea (66 stations), Aegean Sea (110 stations) and Mediterranean Sea (89 stations) were morphologically examined in detail. As a result 17 species and 1 subspecies belonging to 14 genera were determined. The examination of the previous literature revealed that eight of the identified species (Diosaccus tenuicornis, Schizopera pratensis, Psammotopa vulgaris, Amonardia phyllopus, Metamphiascopsis hirsutus bermudae, Robertgurneya smithi, Paramphiascella robinsoni and Sarsamphiascus kawamurai) are new records for Turkish waters. On the other hand Sch. pratensis, R. smithi, M. hirsutus bermudae and S. kawamurai are reported for the first time from Mediterranean Sea.
Alper, A., Sönmez, S., Sak, S. & Karaytuğ, S., Marine harpacticoid (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) fauna of the Dilek Peninsula (Aydın, Turkey), Turkish Journal of Zoology, 39, 4, 580-586, (2015).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: Interstitial and phytal harpacticoid fauna of the mediolittoral zone of the Dilek Peninsula within the border of Aydın Province in Turkey was investigated. Harpacticoid copepods were collected from 7 different localities between 2012 and 2013. As a result, a total of 78 species and subspecies belonging to 48 genera in 18 families were determined. In terms of species richness, the family Miraciidae ranked first with 17 species, followed by Ameiridae with 12 species; Laophontidae with 11 species; Ectinosomatidae with 6 species; Dactylopusiidae, Harpacticidae, Paramesochridae, and Tisbidae with 4 species each; Arenopontiidae and Thalestridae with 3 species each; Peltidiidae and Tetragonicipitidae with 2 species each; and Canthocamptidae, Darcythompsoniidae, Latiremidae, Louriniidae, Parastenheliidae, and Porcellidiidae with 1 species each. Based on the published records, it has been determined that the families Darcythompsoniidae, Peltidiidae, and Porcellidiidae, and hence their genera and species, as well as 24 other species and 1 subspecies, are recorded here for the first time from the Turkish seas. On the other hand, all identified taxa are new records for the study area. In addition, 8 species and 1 subspecies (Ameira tenuicornis, Psyllocamptus tahuesensis, Harpacticus aff. Obscurus, Harpacticus pacificus, Laophonte plana, Laophonte lignosa, Paramesochra helgolandica, Phyllopodopsyllus gracilipes, and Scutellidium longicaudum acheloides) are recorded for the first time from the Mediterranean Sea.
Kuru, S. & Karaytuğ, S., A new species of Parastenhelia Thompson & A. Scott, 1903 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Parastenheliidae) from Turkey, Biharean Biologist, 9, (2015).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: Both sexes of P. aydini sp. nov. are described in detail. The new species can be differentiated from its congeners by the combination of following features; i) 2-segmented P5 exopod with total of five setae in the male, ii) 9-segmented antennule, iii) spinular rows near outer margin of the basis of P1-P4 significantly reduced, iv) P4 enp-3 with four setae, v) inner terminal seta of caudal rami (seta V) not swollen at the base. It is concluded that the insufficient descriptions of many species are the main obstacle in testing the monophyletic status of several genera in the family Parastenheliidae.
Sönmez, S., Karaytuğ, S. ve Sak, S., First record of the genus Diarthrodella Klie, 1949 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Paramesochridae) from the Mediterranean Sea, with description of a new species from Turkey, Turkish Journal of Zoology, 39, 174-181, (2015).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: Both sexes of Diarthrodella ergeneae sp. nov. (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Paramesochridae), which were collected from the intertidal zone of Kurtpınarı Beach along the Mediterranean coast of Turkey, are described in detail. The new species is morphologically most similar to D. convexa Kunz, 1981; D. secunda secunda Kunz, 1954; and D. lancifera Kunz, 1981 according to the setal formula of the swimming legs, but D. ergeneae sp. nov. can easily be differentiated from D. convexa by the ratio of P1 exopod/enp-1, by the lack of an inner seta on P2 enp-2, and by the shape and armature of P5; from D. secunda s. str. by having a seta on the proximal segment of A2 exopod, P3 enp-2 with inner seta, and P3 enp-3 with 2 setae and by the armature and shape of P5 and squarish caudal rami; and from D. lancifera by having 6 setae on P1 exp-2 and squarish caudal rami that bear filiform terminal setae. A key to the species of Diarthrodella is given. Investigation of the previous literature has revealed that the genus Diarthrodella has not been reported from the Mediterranean Sea so far; hence, this is the first record of the genus from the Mediterranean Sea.
Sönmez, S., Sak, S. & Karaytuğ, S., A new species of Arenosetella Wilson, 1932 from Turkey with notes on the genus (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Ectinosomatidae), Zoosystematics and Evolution, 92, 119-129, (2016).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: A new species of the genus Arenosetella CB Wilson, 1932 is described from specimens that were collected from the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. The new species is closely related to A. fimbricaudata McLachlan & Moore, 1978, A. germanica Kunz, 1937 and A. kaiseri Lang, 1965 within the 21 species/subspecies of the genus by having five setae at the exopod of the first and the second swimming leg, six setae at the terminal exopod segment of the fourth swimming leg, four setae at the terminal segment of the endopod of the first to fourth swimming legs and four marginal and one surface seta at the exopod of the fifth swimming leg of female. It can be differentiated from all of the species above by the loss of the inner seta at the first segment of the exopod of the second and the third swimming legs. As the diagnosis of the genus was not up to date and did not cover all of the species, a revised and extended diagnosis is provided. The antenna of A. bassantae Mitwally and Montagna 2001 was re-examined from the holotype, as the given armature in the original description was unusual for the basic pattern of the family, an amended description and drawing are presented herein.
Sönmez, S., A redescription of Diarthrodes aegideus (Brian, 1927)(Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Dactylopusiidae) from the Aegean Coasts of Turkey, Biyolojik Çeşitlilik ve Koruma, 10, 2, 41-50, (2017)
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: Phytal living harpacticoid species Diarthrodes aegideus was originally described by Brian 1927 from the Dodecanese Islands of Aegean Sea with a rather brief description. Although the species have been reported by several studies from the coasts of Naples, Israel, Caroline USA and Aegean coasts of Turkey, the last available description of male and female of the species was the one provided by Lang 1948 in his monograph which lacks of sufficient details. Thus, I here present a detailed redescription as well as illustrations of both sexes of D. aegideus based on the specimens that were collected with a previous study and deposited in the harpacticoid collection of Balıkesir University Zoology Museum.
Alper, A., Sak, S. & Metin, O., First record of the family Rhizotrichidae (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) from Turkey with description of a new species, Marine Biodiversity, 48, 1, 357-365, (2018).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: Both sexes of Tryphoema gallipoliensis sp. nov. (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Rhizotrichidae), collected from the Gulf of Saros (Turkey), are described. Specimens were collected from Kavakköy beach, Çanakkale province. The new species can be distinguished from other members of the genus by the setal arrangement of the swimming legs, by having lanceolate spinulose apical spines on the distal exopod segment of P3 and P4, and by having four spines on both the baseoendopod and the exopod of female P5. With this study, the sexually dimorphic swimming legs are reported for the first time in the genus Tryphoema as well as in the family Rhizotrichidae. Furthermore, the family Rhizotrichidae was recorded for the first time on the Turkish coasts.
Karaytuğ, S. & Koçak, C., Faunistic assessment of the marine Harpacticoida (Crustacea: Copepoda) fauna of Turkey with remarks on harpacticoid diversity in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, Marine Biodiversity, 48, 273-280, (2018).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: In this study, phytal and intersititial harpacticoids inhabiting the marine coasts of the Turkish Aegean Sea and northern Cyprus were determined at 12 sampling stations. As a result, 24 species belonging to 20 genera distributed within 11 families were identified. Among the taxa identified, the family Cletopsyllidae, the genera Isocletopsyllus, Sunaristes and Typhlamphiascus and the species Longipedia scotti, L. helgolandica, Sunaristes paguri, Dactylopusia glacialis, Orthopsyllus cf. sarsi, Isocletopsyllus tertius, Paramphiascella bulbifer, Sarsamphiascus tenuiremis, Robertgurneya remanei and Typhlamphiascus confusus are recorded for the first time from the Turkish seas. On the other hand, the following species are reported for the first time from the Mediterranean Sea; Longipedia helgolandica, Dactylopusia glacialis, Orthopsyllus cf. sarsi and Robertgurneya remanei. In addition, Paramphiascella bulbifer and Sarsamphiascus tenuiremis are also reported for the first time from the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Moreover, the examination of the published papers on marine harpacticoids has revealed that there is no data on marine harpacticoids from the Cyprus seas, and; therefore, all species identified in this study (Orthopsyllus cf. sarsi, Dactylopusia glacialis, Laophonte plana, Isocletopsyllus tertius and Sunaristes paguri) are a first record for the marine harpacticoid fauna of Cyprus.
Yıldız, N. Ö. & Karaytuğ, S., Harpacticoida (Crustacea: Copepoda) of the three islands on Aegean Sea (Turkey) with eight new records, Mediterranean Fisheries and Aquaculture Research, 1, 2, 57-65, (2018).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: Harpacticoid fauna inhabiting in the mediolittoral zone of the islands of Bodrum (Turkey) called Kara, Çatal and Tavşan was investigated. For this purpose, a total of 23 stations were sampled. As a result, 22 species belonging to 11 families distributed within 20 genera were identified. These species are: Pseudobradya robusta, Pseudobradya pelobates, Leptocaris biscayensis, Harpacticus sp., Parastenhelia spinosa, Sarsamphiascus angustipes, Ameira tenuicornis, Psyllocamptus eridani, Pseudameira breviseta, Leptomesochra infima, Pseudoleptomesochrella marina, Paramesochra helgalondica, Phyllopodopsyllus thiebaudi, Phyllopodopsyllus briani, Orthopsyllus sarsi, Laophonte cornuta, Paralaophonte brevirostris, Echinolaophonte armiger, Klieonychocamptus kliei, Klieonychocamptus kliei adriaticus, Afrolaophonte pori, Lipomelum adriaticum and Neoleptastacus acanthus. Also, Pseudobradya robusta, Pseudobradya pelobates, Pseudameira breviseta, Leptomesochra infima, Pseudoleptomesochrella marina, Echinolaophonte armiger are reported for the first time from Turkish coasts.
Karaytuğ, S., Bozkurt, A., & Sönmez, S., A new hyporheic Monchenkocyclops Karanovic, Yoo & Lee, 2012 (Crustacea: Copepoda) from Turkey with special emphasis on antennulary homology. Zoosystema, 40, 1, 43-58 (2018)
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: Both sexes of Monchenkocyclops mehmetadami n. sp. were described from hyporheic freshwater habitat in Turkey. The new species can easily be distinguished from the other four species in the genus by having three setae on the inner margin of the second endopodal segment of the first and second swimming legs and four setae on the inner margin of second endopodal segment of the third and fourth swimming legs. The setation patterns of female and male antennules of the new species are analyzed with reference to the hypothetical 28- segmented antennule of ancestral copepod and the homology of the antennulary segments is determined in both sexes. Paraphyletic status of the genus is briefly discussed.
Sönmez, S., Karaytuğ, S., Sak, S., & Alper, A., Variations in Afrolaophonte pori Masry, 1970 (Copepoda: Harpacticoida: Laophontidae): a contribution towards the revision of the genus. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 42, 1, 29-45, (2018)
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: Afrolaophonte pori was originally described from the interstitial habitats of Israel and subsequently reported from Italy and the Aegean coasts of Turkey. It is the only representative of the genus in the Mediterranean Sea. The aim of this study is to present a detailed redescription of A. pori based on extensive material from different parts of the species’ range to provide geographic distributional data and to reveal variations within and between the populations. We have examined numerous specimens collected from the Aegean and Mediterranean Turkish coasts and have presented a detailed redescription of both sexes. Despite the fact that the original description of A. pori does not meet modern standards, the present redescription of A. pori matches well with the original description in terms of setal and segmental pattern, except for the setation of the P1 exopods. Many populations collected from along the Aegean shores also had 2-segmented exopods, but the discovery along the Mediterranean coast of some specimens having 2-segmented exopods and 1-segmented endopods, as well as observation of asymmetric P3 rami on some specimens, directed us to conclude that all populations of Afrolaophonte in the Mediterranean Basin belong to the same morphospecies sharing the same gene pool.
Sönmez, S., & Karaytuğ, S., Morphological and Molecular Contribution to the Taxonomy of Attheyella (Attheyella) crassa (GO Sars, 1863) Species Complex (Harpacticoida: Canthocamptidae). Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 71, 1, 9-16, (2019).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: The aim of this study is to contribute to the taxonomy of the family Canthocamptidae and the genus Attheyella Brady, 1880 through a detailed morphological redescription and molecular characterisation of A. (A.) crassa from Turkey. In addition, we review previous descriptions. Specimens were collected from a spring located in the Tut District of Adıyaman, Turkey. We redescribe both sexes of A. (A.) crassa and provide illustrations and SEM images. Also, we present partial sequences of gene 28S rRNA for future studies. Comparison of the previous descriptions and illustrations with the present redescription has revealed that A. (A.) crassa is a species complex.
Kuru, S., Sönmez, S. & Karaytuğ, S., A new species of the genus Echinolaophonte Nicholls, 1941 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Laophontidae) from the Aegean Sea coast of Turkey, Turkish Journal of Zoology, 43, 2, 171-184, (2019).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: During the ongoing partial taxonomic revision of the genus Echinolaophonte on the basis of populations previously collected from various shores of the Turkish coasts, a new species of Echinolaophonte was discovered and named Echinolaophonte mordoganensis sp. nov. The new species is morphologically most closely related to E. minuta and E. veniliae. The new species can easily be distinguished from its congeners by the combination of the following features: i) the shape of the rostrum, ii) having 2 ornamented setae instead of 1 on the syncoxa of the maxilliped, and iii) pattern difference in the P1?P4 setal formula in both male and female. The phylogenetic position of the new species in the genus has also been briefly discussed.
Sönmez, S., Description of Pseudoameiropsis suphankaraytugi sp. nov. (Copepoda: Harpacticoida: Ameiridae) with the first report of the genus Pseudoameiropsis Pallares, 1982 outside of the South Atlantic Ocean, Turkish Journal of Zoology, 43, 3, 255-264, (2019).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: A new species of the monotypic genus Pseudoameiropsis was found in samples collected from the eastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey. The new species can be separated from P. argentinus by the armature formula in the endopod of the second to fourth swimming legs (0, 1, 021; 0, 1, 121; 0, 1, 121 in P. argentinus, but 1, 1, 221; 1, 1, 221; 1, 1, 221 in the new species), and armature complement in the third exopodal segment of the fourth swimming leg (with eight setae/spines in the new species, but seven elements in P. argentinus). The general shape and armature of the female fifth leg is similar in the two species but some minor differences in their ornamentation were observed. This is also the first record of the genus in the Mediterranean Sea and outside of the South Atlantic Ocean.
Sönmez, S., Yıldız, I. & Karaytuğ, S., A new species of Enhydrosoma Boeck, 1872 (Copepoda: Harpacticoida: Cletodidae) from the Black Sea Coast of Turkey with some remarks on the taxonomic status of E. wellsi Bodin, 1968, Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 19, 10, 817-823, (2019).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: During a survey that was conducted at the South East Coast of Black Sea, Turkey on 10 March 2015, undefined Enhydrosoma specimens were encountered in the samples that were taken from 30 m depth of Çamburnu Harbour and described as new to science in detail. The new species differs from all of the known species of the genus by having 4 elements on the distal segment of Periopods(P)3 and P4 exopod (exp) except E. wellsi and E. longifurcatum but can easily be differentiated from E. wellsi by lacking an inner seta on P2-P4 exp-2; by having 2 setae instead of 3 on P1 endopod(enp)-1, 2 setae at antenna (A2) exp instead of one and having a mandibular palp with 3 setae instead of 5. The new species also differs from E. longifurcatum by having 4 elements on the distal segment of P3-P4 exp and with the form of female P5. On the other hand, it has been concluded that the report of E. longifurcatum from the Black Sea given by Apostolov and Marinov (1988) is conspecific with the new species and considered as a synonym of the new species.
Karaytuğ, S., Sak, S., Alper, A. & Sönmez, S., Resolving the Lourinia armata (Claus, 1866) complex with remarks on the monophyletic status of Louriniidae, Monard 1927 (Copepoda: Harpacticoida), Zootaxa, 5051, 1, 346-386, (2021).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
An attempt was made to test if Lourinia armata (Claus, 1866)—as it is currently diagnosed—represents a species complex. Detailed examination and comparisons of several specimens collected from different localities suggest that L. armata indeed represents a complex of four closely related morphospecies that can be differentiated from one another by only detailed observations. One of the four species is identified as Lourinia aff. armata and the other three species are described as new to science and named as Lourinia wellsi sp. nov., L. gocmeni sp. nov., and L. aldabraensis sp. nov. Detailed review of previous species records indicates that the genus Lourinia Wilson, 1924 is distributed worldwide. Ceyloniella nicobarica Sewell, 1940, originally described from Nicobar Island and previously considered a junior subjective synonym of L. armata is reinstated as Lourinia nicobarica (Sewell, 1940) comb. nov. on the basis of the unique paddle-shaped caudal ramus seta V. It is postulated that almost all of these records are unreliable in terms of representing true Lourinia aff. armata described herein. On the other hand, the comparative evaluation of the illustrations and descriptions in the published literature indicates the presence of several new species waiting to be discovered in the genus Lourinia.
It has been determined that, according to updated modern keys, the recent inclusion of the monotypic genus Archeolourinia Corgosinho & Schizas, 2013 in the Louriniidae is not justified since Archeolourinia shermani Corgosinho & Schizas, 2013 does not belong to this family but should be assigned to the Canthocamptidae. On the other hand, it has been argued that the exact phylogenetic position of the Louriniidae still remains problematic since none of the diagnostic characters supports the monophyly of the family within the Oligoarthra. It has also been argued that the close relationship between Louriniidae and Canthocamptidae is supported since both families share the homologous sexual dimorphism (apophysis) on P3 endopod. The most important characteristic that can possibly be used to define Louriniidae is the reduction of maxilliped.
Alper, A., Faunistic and ecological assessment of interstitial Harpacticoida (Crustacea, Copepoda) on a sandy beach in Balıkesir (Turkey), Nauplius, 30, (2022).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: Interstitial harpacticoids along the mediolittoral zones of Sarımsaklı Beach, Turkey, were sampled monthly between April 2016 and March 2017 in order to reveal the effects of pH, water temperature, salinity, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and grain size on the occurrence and composition of the harpacticoids. Examination of the samples from nine stations revealed a total of 66 species. In terms of harpacticoid species abundance, Ectinosoma soyeri Apostolov, 1975 was ranked first followed by Sarsamphiascus angustipes (Gurney, 1927) and Leptomesochra eulitoralis Noodt, 1952. The variations in harpacticoid community were estimated by using some ecological indices (Species richness, Shannon’s diversity and Pielou’s evenness). Principal component analysis (PCA) based on the abiotic factors was applied for ordination of the stations. Relationships between environmental and temporal parameters as well as harpacticoid community structure were analyzed using distance-based Linear Models (DistLM). Relationships between environmental variables and most abundant species were determined with the Redundancy analysis (RDA). The abundance of S. angustipes and Klieonychocamptus ponticus (Serban and Plesa, 1957) were positively correlated with all tested variables except water temperature. The abundance of Klieonychocamptus kliei (Monard, 1935) was positively correlated with water temperature, grain size and salinity, while it was negatively correlated with dissolved oxygen and pH. The abundance of Ameira sp. and Microsetella norvegica (Boeck, 1865) were negatively correlated with all tested variables except water temperature. The abundance of E. soyeri and Ameira parvula (Claus, 1866) were negatively correlated with all tested variables except pH. The abundance of Leptomesochra eulitoralis was positively correlated with water temperature and salinity, while it was negatively correlated with grain size, dissolved oxygen and pH.
Kabaca, A., Sak, S. & Alper, A., Interstitial and Phytal Harpacticoid (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) Fauna of the Mediolittoral Zone of the Biga Peninsula (Çanakkale, Turkey), Adıyaman University Journal of Science, 12, 1, 120-141, (2022).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: In this study, interstitial and phytal harpacticoid copepods distributed along the mediolittoral zone of the Biga Peninsula were investigated. The samplings were made from 26 different stations seasonally between April – 2016, February – 2017. As a result, 73 species and subspecies belonging to 46 genera within 17 families were identified. In addition, 4 genera (Troglophonte, Psammastacus, Stereoxiphos and Pteropsyllus) and 20 species/subspecies (Ameira divagans, Ameira reducta, Filexilia intermedia, Nitokra sewelli, Noodtiella enertha, Noodtiella intermedia, Noodtiella wellsi, Glabrotelson sp., Asellopsis intermedia, Echinolaophonte minuta, Heterolaophonte brevipes, Klieonychocamptus klei confluens, Troglophonte sp., Psammastacus confluens, Stereoxiphos operculatus, Schizopera minuta, Emertonia constricta orotavae, Thalestrella sp., Phyllopodopsyllus berrieri and Pteropsyllus plebeius furcatus) are new records for the Turkish fauna. Besides, all identified taxa are new records for the Biga Peninsula.
Kuru, S. & Karaytuğ, S., Redescription of Penicillicaris pectinimana (Car, 1884) (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Parastenheliidae), Adıyaman University Journal of Science, 12, 2, 244-268, (2022).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: The main aim of this study is to conduct a taxonomic revision of Penicillicaris pectinimana living in the mediolittoral zone of Türkiye. Therefore, numerous specimens of both sexes collected from Mediterranean (25 localities), Aegean (9 localities) and the Black Sea (10 localities) coasts were morphologically reexamined in detail for the first time with the aid of light and scanning electron microscopes. Hundreds of individuals belonging to Penicillicaris pectinimana populations collected from different localities were comparatively analysed in terms of inter/intra population variability. In the light of the data obtained in this study, it was revealed that Penicillicaris pectinimana has very wide distribution on the coasts of Turkey and it is found in all localities examined. All possible morphological details of both sexes of Penicillicaris pectinimana were redescribed for the first time in detail since it was described in 1884.
Metin, O., Alper, A. & Sak, S., Interstitial harpacticoid (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) fauna inhabiting mediolittoral zone of the Gulf of Saros (Turkey), Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 24, 2, 779-790, (2022).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: The study was aimed to reveal interstitial harpacticoid copepod fauna of the Gulf of Saros (Turkey), where no detailed research has been done before on this subject. The samples were collected from 30 stations located along the mediolittoral zone of the gulf between 2013 and 2014. As a result, a total of 72 species/subspecies belonging to 44 genera in 15 families were identified. All identified taxa except Tryphoema gallipoliensis Alper et al., 2018 are new records for the study area, besides 16 species were also recorded for the first time from the Turkish seas.
Alper, A., Karaytuğ, S. & Sak, S., Taxonomic revision of the genus Nannomesochra Gurney, 1932 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) with description of three new species, Marine Biodiversity, 53, 1, 19, (2023).
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: A taxonomic revision of the genus Nannomesochra Gurney, 1932 was made based on the material collected from a wide range of localities along the Turkish coasts. Detailed morphological examination and comparisons of several specimens as well as the previous descriptions which were assigned to the so-called cosmopolitan species N. arupinensis (Brian, 1925) revealed that N. arupinensis indeed represents a complex of several closely related morphospecies that can be differentiated from one another by only detailed observations. With this study, Nannomesochra parvula (Gurney, 1927) was reinstated and redescribed because of the setation of the swimming legs and the structure of the P5 in female. It has been determined that, according to updated modern keys, the recent inclusion of the monotypic genus Archeolourinia Corgosinho & Schizas, 2013 in the Louriniidae Monard, 1927 is not justified since Archeolourinia shermani Corgosinho & Schizas, 2013 does not belong to this family but must be assigned to the genus Nannomesochra within Canthocamptidae. Therefore, Archeolourinia was removed from the family Louriniidae and accepted as junior synonym of Nannomesochra keeping Nannomesochra shermani (Corgosinho & Schizas, 2013) comb. nov. as a valid species of the genus. As a result of the morphological examination of Turkish material, 3 new species of Nannomesochra were discovered and named as N. gebekumensis sp. nov., N. giziri sp. nov., and N. erythraiensis sp. nov. With addition of these species mentioned above, the genus now contains seven valid species, namely, N. arupinensis, N. parvula, N. zavodniki Petkovski & Apostolov, 1974, N. shermani comb. nov., N. gebekumensis sp. nov., N. giziri sp. nov., and N. erythraiensis sp. nov. Detailed review of the previous species records is given, indicating that the genus Nannomesochra has a worldwide distribution. But it is concluded that almost all of the previous records are unreliable, since they do not contain sufficient information to verify to which Nannomesochra species they belong. The phylogenetic position of Nannomesochra within Hemimesochrinae Por, 1986 was also evaluated in the study and a generic key within the subfamily is presented. It was concluded that the presence of the three elements on the distal endopodal segment of the P3 endopod in the male can be defined as an autoapomorphy of the genus Nannomesochra.
Kabaca, A., Sak, S., Amended Diagnosis and Description of a New Species of the Genus Troglophonte Huys & Lee, 2000 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Laophontidae), Commagene Journal of Biology, 7, 127-140 (2023)
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
In Progress
Abstract: A new species of the monotypic genus Troglophonte Huys & Lee, 2000 (Harpacticoida, Laophontidae) was discovered among the interstitial samples collected from the Kumada Coast in the Sea of Marmara. The new species can be distinguished from the type species T. spelaea (Chappuis, 1938) by the following characters: (i) female 6-segmented antennule, (ii) P3 exp terminal segment with 7 setae, (iii) female P5 exopodal lobe with 5 setae, (iv) female P5 baseoendopod with 3 setae on endopodal lobe, (v) surface ornamentation of swimming legs, (vi) male P5 baseoendopod distal seta ornamentation, and (vii) male P5 exopod setal ornamentation. The type material of T. spelaea does no longer exist and its diagnosis is concise. Therefore, the generic diagnosis has been updated to include the characters displayed by the new species. Additionally, a phylogenetic analysis including other genera related to the Troglophonte was conducted using parsimony. The results obtained from the phylogenetic analysis were generally consistent with the previous studies.
NOTE: The species was described from marine environment but the salinity of the sample was 26.31 ppt.
Yıldız, NÖ., Karaytuğ, S., Taxonomic revision of the Nitocra affinis Gurney, 1927 species complex (Harpacticoida, Ameiridae) with descriptions of four new species and re-evaluation of its subspecies, ZooKeys, 1191, 35-74 (2024)
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
Nitocra sonmezi holotype, ♀ (dissected on 9 slides) (reg. no. TCRC-2007/10)
Nitocra serdarsaki holotype, ♂ (dissected on 7 slides) (reg. no. TCRC-2013/16)
Abstract: Due to the recent increasing importance of microcharacters in copepod taxonomy, it has become evident that many species lacking detailed descriptions actually constitute to a species complex. In this study, Nitocra affinis is redescribed based on lectotype material from Lake Timsah (Egypt) which facilitated a thorough detailed comparison with specimens of N. affinis recorded from distantly related localities. The results unequivocally revealed that the specimens of N. affinis examined in this study belong to a different species. As a result, four new species, Nitocra sonmezi sp. nov. and Nitocra serdarsaki sp. nov. from the Turkish coast, Nitocra alperi sp. nov. from the Indian Ocean, and Nitocra loweae sp. nov. from Brighton, England are herein described as new to science. On the other hand, all subspecies of N. affinis, namely N. affinis rijekana Petkovski, 1954, N. affinis californica Lang, 1965, N. affinis stygia, Por. 1968, and N. affinis colombiensis Fuentes-Reinés & Suárez-Morales, 2014 are elevated to species rank. An updated key the species of the affinis group is also provided.
Yıldız, NÖ., Karaytuğ, S., Disentangling of an Ameira parvula (Claus, 1866) species complex with the description of a new species and remarks on the genus Ameira Boeck, 1865 (Copepoda: Harpacticoida: Ameiridae), Bih Biol, 18(1), 19-50 (2024)
Specimen Information in TCRC Regarding the Manuscript:
Ameira parvula: Mediterranean Sea: St. A1 (2♀♀, 1♂) (reg. no. TCRC-2007/11), St. A3 (1♀) (reg. no. TCRC-2007/3), St. A5 (1♀) (reg. no. TCRC-2007/1), St. A8 (1♀) (reg. no. TCRC2007/9), St. A9 (2♀♀) (reg. no. TCRC-2007/6, TCRC-2007/7), St. A10 (1♀) (reg. no. TCRC2007/4), St. A11 (1♀) (reg. no. TCRC-2007/8), St. A12 (1♀) (reg. no. TCRC-2007/5), St. A13 (2♀♀) (reg. no. TCRC-2007/13, TCRC-2007/14), St. A14(1♀) (reg. no. TCRC-2007/2); Aegean Sea: St. E19 (1♀) (reg. no. TCRC-2013/8), St. E20 (2♀♀) (reg. no. TCRC-2012/7), St. E22 (1♀) (reg. no. TCRC-2012/8), St. E23 (2♀♀) (reg. no. TCRC2012/9), St. E27 (1♀) (reg. no. TCRC-2013/11); Saros Bay: St. S31 (1♀) (reg. no. TCRC-2013/17), St. S32 (1♂) (reg. no. TCRC-2013/1), St. S34 (2♀♀) (reg. no. TCRC-2013/2; TCRC-2013/12), St. S42(1♀) (reg. no. TCRC-2013/18), St. S43 (3♀♀) (reg. no. TCRC-2013/19; TCRC-2013/20; TCRC2014/5), St. S45 (1♀) ( TCRC-2014/6), St. S46 (1♂) (reg. no. TCRC-2014/7), St. S47 (1♀) (reg. no. TCRC-2014/1) Black Sea: St. K48 (1♀, 1♂) (reg. no. TCRC-2001/2; TCRC-2001/3), St. K49 (1♀) (reg. no. TCRC-2002/1), St. K50(1♀) (reg. no. TCRC-2002/5), St.51 (1♂) (reg. no. TCRC-2001/1), St. K52 (1♀,1♂) (reg. no. TCRC-2002/3; TCRC2002/4), St. K53 (1♀) (reg. no. TCRC-2002/2)
Ameira venthami: Holotype 1♀ (reg. no. TCRC-2012/1), Allotype 1♂ (reg. no. TCRC-2012/2) Aegean Sea St. E15 (Interstitial) Letonya Beach (Fethiye, Türkiye). Paratypes: St. E15 (>20 ♀♀, >10 ♂♂) (reg. no. TCRC-2012/3)
Ameira nana: 1♀, (dissected on three slides) Mediterranean Sea. St. A7 Göynük Beach, Antalya. 36° 39.667′ N; 30° 33.670′ E (reg. no. TCRC-2007/15).
Abstract: The family Ameiridae is the third most diverse family within Harpacticoida, with 47 genera and up to 300 species. The genus Ameira, with 21 species and four subspecies, presents taxonomic challenges due to poorly defined diagnostic features. Ameira parvula, initially was described by Claus (1866) as Canthocamptus parvulus, and has been subject to taxonomic revisions. Variations in P1 endopod1 length, A2 exopod segments, and the number of P4 exopod-3 setae have been observed by researchers worldwide. Questions regarding A. parvula‘s cosmopolitan nature have led to doubts about its distribution. Given the diverse specimens examined in this study from various regions, including the Mediterranean, Aegean Sea, and Black Sea coasts of Türkiye, and material from Russia, England, and Egypt, it becomes evident that A. parvula represents a species complex. The study aims to define the boundaries of species belonging to an A. parvula‘s species complex based on morphological disparities. This study entails the reexamination of A. parvula specimens from various collections, followed by a comprehensive redescription. This redescription is then juxtaposed with the existing literature on A. parvula, allowing for a thorough reassessment of the previously documented records. This reassessment results in describing two new Ameira species and the reevaluation of A. parvula nana Willey, 1935 as Ameira nana. Furthermore, a comprehensive literature review on the general traits within the genus revealed that A. atlantica mediterranea Noodt, 1958 and A. atlantica atlantica Kunz, 1974 should be relegated to species rank as A. mediterranea Kunz, 1974 and A. atlantica Noodt, 1958, respectively. Additionally, A. lusitanica Galhano, 1970 should be considered as incertae sedis within Harpacticoida.